Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 13: Which book/series is you favorite?

I love this question, but its so hard to choose! I also have choosen my top three series. I also have a favorite book that tops all of these but I've decided to go with series. My all time favorite book it The Princess Bride. This is also one of the few movies where I am not disappointed in how they did it. I love both!

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy most definitely holds the top spot. I have a great love of ridiculous British humor. These books kept me laughing and entertained. I've been meaning to go back and re-read them. So much I have forgotten about them. Douglas Adams really did a phenomenal job of creating a really different and eccentric world. This is a world I would love to live in. One where a Towel if your most prized possession  and you can put a slug in your ear and be able to understand everyone. Where 42 is the answer and you don't get to know the question! There's romance, adventure, and just about anything you could ever thing of.

 So the Parasol Protectorate had to make the list as well. Once again because it keeps me laughing the whole time. This is a newer series I have discovered. I love the characters that Gail Carriger has created. The way they continue to grow and change. They keep me fascinated and glued to the pages. I've almost finished Heartless and loving it so far. I already can't wait for the next one. Also this really make me want to go out and buy a parasol and sew hidden pockets into it. I'm pretty sure I am going to do this! Who wouldn't want one like Alexia's!

Harry Potter makes the list also. I don't know If I can even remember how many times I've read the first one now. These are one of the only books that I can re-read and re-read and still love them just as much. I would also love to get  more copies from other countries. I don't have nearly as many and my friends Lacey and Morgan but I too have a couple different versions. It is very sad that in only 2 days an end to an era will come. The very last movie comes out on the 15th. I will be there for the midnight premier with all my friends and it will be bittersweet. Can't wait to see how they finished this movie. I'm not ready for it to be over yet!


Lacey said...

Love your list! I forgot about Harry Potter

Lacey said...

Love your list! I forgot about Harry Potter